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by | Aug 6, 2024 | Blog, Motivation | 0 comments

The other days I began play some JWA (Jurassic World Alive) which I played for about 5+ years ago. It feels exciting again, so much it motivates me to walk more!

GPS-enabled games

It’s nothing new that I enjoy GPS-enabled games. Already back in 2014 I was playing turfgame, a Swedish developed game where you walk to zones. It’s still an active game in Sweden with probably a few hundred active players daily and been expanding to UK among other countries, but still I believe it’s fairly unknown to most of the people. I know many people use bicycles or using it for HIIT running.


Ingress is the game I found next, in 2015 I was playing that game a lot! This is still a big game and developed by Niantic, which a year after I’d begun, Pokemon go came out. I still play this game at times.

Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go became big instantly upon release in what I remember to be in 2016.

I played that game for multiple years though these days I don’t play it as much.

Jurassic world alive

This game I began playing in 2018 unless it may have been earlier than that? I remember playing it when I was in the USA along with Pokemon go. This game I decided to try play again, I stopped playing it in end of 2019 because of much changes they were making and I got bored of it.

Orna RPG

Also a game that is GPS-enabled, a RPG game where you level up, I played this game for about two years but no longer playing it.

Pikmin bloom

I picked up this game for soon a year ago, sure I tried it out upon release but didn’t stick to it.

When my wife came with me to Sweden, we began playing this game and been playing ever since! This is the game we play together and it’s sure quite a fun game, it’s also by Niantic.


I believe for some, any gps enabled game you may find fun to play, can be a motivation for you to move more outdoors. Sure it all depends but I would advise giving it a try especially if you never tried one before.


There’s also games based on steps, Walkr is a game me and my wife also play, it doesn’t use GPS location however it’s based on the steps you take, and you don’t need to stare at the phone while outdoors.

These games may be another good alternative!


I don’t see myself as a gamer overall and spending too much time on games I believe isn’t good. However if you are to pick a game, I believe anything that makes you move or exercise could make it more fun if you are totally bored of walking or exercising.

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