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by | Aug 4, 2024 | Blog | 0 comments

The past weeks I tried the premium of ChatGPT as it can use internet these days to search online among other useful things.

One of those things is custom GPT where you are able to create your own ai specialized in really anything and act in the way you want it to.

So what I did was making my own ai coach for fasting, I have been trying to feed information about fasting and the snake diet to it, it’s however nothing advanced, and I haven’t yet set it to public, nor I believe to do so anytime soon – as I tailored it around myself. It also requires users to have a subscription to ChatGPT in order to use them.

However – it doesn’t really save information unless I bring up the old conversation where I have written about a certain thing I want it to save, so that’s a downside.

It also can’t initiate any conversation with me, so I would always need to write it first in order to use it.

For sure, it’s possible using OpenAI and pay for their API – and then connect it for example to a telegram bot, and make it message me. But I haven’t been bothered into doing that. I tried about a year ago using a ChatGPT bot via telegram I made, but I found it hassling too, as I didn’t figure out how it would store information.

Real coach

However, a real coach is always better!

I just thought to share the idea of a quick way of ai coach online, especially since trying I’m trying out the subscription, it’s been fun trying it out!

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